Therapy for Teens & Therapy for Parents at Repose

Father and son sitting on curb smiling. Dealing with a complex child parent relationship is hard. Get support in therapy for teens in New York or therapy for parents in New York today. Call now!

The Importance of Teen Mental Health

Teen years are a time of exhilarating change, but also can be a time of great tenderness. The 21st-century teen experiences challenges of a new era. The ever-growing reach of technology and social media has completely changed how teenagers relate and communicate with each other. In the age of COVID, teens have to navigate learning and education in a virtual world. Being a 21st century teen in the throes of a global pandemic comes with a whole host of issues. The kinds of experiences available to teens have also completely transformed. These major social-cultural phenomenons have a significant impact on teenagers, and on parents as caregivers.

Early Intervention in Therapy for Teens Can Help!

Addressing teen mental health early on as a parent could help protect your teen from lifelong distress. Since most teens don’t share their troubling thoughts or struggles with their caregivers, parents or caregivers must be made aware of the prevalence of mental health issues amongst teens. 

A Note to Parents: Eleven Signs That Your Child Is Struggling With Their Mental Health

  • They are using drugs or alcohol repeatedly

  • Or, they are having intense worries or fears that get in the way of daily activities

  • They are confused or struggling with gender identity and sexuality.

  • Perhaps, they are having severe mood swings that cause problems in relationships

  • They are showing drastic changes in behavior or personality

  • Maybe, they are experiencing sudden overwhelming fear for no reason, sometimes with a racing heart or fast breathing

  • They are experiencing performance anxiety (nausea before exams, tests, GI issues, palpitations)

  • And, they are getting in many fights or wanting to hurt others

  • They are feeling very sad or withdrawn for more than two weeks

  • Plus, they are seriously trying to harm or kill themselves or making plans to do so

  • They are exhibiting disordered eating behaviors (overeating, restrictive eating, calorie counting), binge eating with or without purging, or using laxatives to lose weight.

Repose’s mission to support teens: Repose believes in early intervention. This preventative work could help teens and adolescents grow into healthy, securely attached individuals, setting them up for a successful and fulfilling future. If your teen could benefit, then see if therapy for teens in New York, New Jersey, or Connecticut can help!

A Note to Teens: Situations & Stressors that May Impact your Mental Health
Beyond navigating the new virtual world, there are several stressors that may be impacting your mental health, such as:

  • You recently lost a loved one 

  • Perhaps, your parents recently got divorced or are separating 

  • You are being subjected to bullying 

  • Maybe you are struggling with school 

  • You recently moved to a new home 

  • Or, you are experiencing difficulties with your peers & classmates 

  • You are being subjected to peer pressure

  • And you are unable to tolerate the academic pressures of school

  • You are questioning your gender or sexuality

Click here for guidance on how to tell your parents that you want to go to therapy for teens in New York, New Jersey, or Connecticut

Daughters kissing mothers cheek. You don't have to be bogged down by mental health concerns. Online therapy can help empower you to live a worthwhile life. Begin therapy for teens in New Jersey, or therapy for parents in New Jersey. Call now!

So How Can Repose Therapy for Teens Help?

Repose Therapy can help equip you with the tools and skills to manage and even triumph over the most stressful of situations. We see value in supporting teens because a space where you feel accepted and valued is hard to come by.  Our TEEN THERAPISTS try to provide that space and empower you to be who you are and who you want to be. A stress-free life is possible, SADNESS AND ANXIETY are not destined.  Imagine a world where you could.

  • Stop punishing yourself, and criticizing yourself

  • See life as a positive, happy, and safe journey

  • Get clarity on who you are, who you want to be, and where your life is headed

  • Better your relationship with yourself, your friends, your family,  and others you surround yourself with.

Repose’s Approach to Therapy for Teens in Connecticut, New York, and New Jersey

  • Central to providing good teen therapy: Is recognizing the challenges that arise in engagement. Young adults–even when possessing the awareness of their need for help– may want to flee from the idea of therapy if they sense that their teen therapist is attempting to dictate their choices, are easy to judge them, or if they assess that there is no semblance of relatability in the therapeutic relationship. Repose works from a versatile, fresh, and up-to-date approach. We work creatively to explore the best ways to foster a deep relationship with young adults and teens that is based on trust, mutual respect, and invites feedback and criticism.

  • Repose Therapy is committed to meeting the unique needs of adolescents, emerging adults, college, graduate, and doctoral students in the USA and abroad. We work directly with colleges and universities throughout the five boroughs of New York and are preferred providers for New York University, Sarah Lawrence College, School of Visual Arts, and the Fashion Institute of Technology.

  • If you see the benefit in therapy for Teens in Connecticut, New Jersey, or New York: Then schedule an exploratory 15-minute consultation with our client concierge here at Repose. You will be speaking with our client concierge who can assess your unique situation, give you clarity on what the therapeutic process looks like, and advise on the next steps.

A Note To Teens & Parents: About Privacy

2 key components to seeing therapeutic progress are the therapeutic relationship and feeling safe in the therapeutic space. In order for change to come and progress to be made, we need to ensure that we allow for a space to be created where your child feels comfortable sharing what is going on with them. Our teen therapists will maintain openness with you based on their clinical judgment. In order for you as a parent to see your child grow and heal, it is important for us to create safety in both the aspects of parenting and therapy.  Allow your child the space to grow, make mistakes, be vulnerable, and change.

Therapy for Parents in New Jersey, Connecticut, and New York

As detailed above, 21st-century kids have several new complexities to deal with, along with that comes the responsibility of a parent to navigate those complexities with them, whilst also dealing with their own struggles.

Repose Therapy Supports Parents With:

Communicating with your teen: Here are some tips & tricks:

  • Always communicate in a straightforward manner, try not to beat around the bush

  • Provide some education or self-disclosure around what mental health problems look like for either yourself or in a more global sense, this normalizes your child’s experience and gives them permission to share

  • Never make assumptions about what is going on.

  • Discuss the topic when your child feels safe and comfortable, don’t bring up your concerns during a time of stress

  • Watch for reactions during the discussion and slow down or back up if your child becomes confused or looks upset.

  • Listen openly and let your child tell you about their feelings and worries.

Neutral looking man staring. Its time to get your mental health in order. Let us help in online therapy. Begin therapy for teens in Connecticut, or therapy for parents in Connecticut today. Call now!

Parenting with Mental Health Issues of Your Own

Although our children may see us as being perfect and impervious to mistakes, parents may have mental health issues of their own. Statistics from 2014 show about 1 in 6 parents will experience a mental health concern. These issues may make parenting even more challenging. These mental health concerns make the normal stresses of parenting difficult to manage. Parents begin to worry about how their mental health may impact the well-being of their children. 

Mental health issues can affect parents in several ways, some of these include: 

  • Worry that disclosing condition could lead to loss of children

  • Guilt about not being able to be the “perfect” parent

  • Exhaustion or inability to keep up with childcare

  • Feeling isolated

  • Helplessness or hopelessness

  • Shame, which causes fear around seeking help

Therapy for YOU, as a parent, but also as an individual is important. Through therapy, you will be able to adopt healthy coping strategies to manage your mental health which will allow you to work towards wellness and healthy parenting. 

How can Repose help parents?

Therapy for parents in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut is an effective way of resolving your child’s problem behavior and emotional issues. It is our tendency to view the “other” as possessing the problem. A problem to be fixed on their own. As parents, it is important to remember that our child's problem behaviors are most often signal-flares for a larger issue. As parents, you have tremendous influence over your child's well-being.  Just by fine-tuning your parenting a little bit, you can bring about significant improvement in your child’s life. At REPOSE THERAPY, we allow you to zoom out, and look at all the variables influencing your child’s well-being. 

Repose Therapy can offer parents individual therapy or family therapy. Whether you want to work through your concerns as a system, or by yourself, Repose is here to help you along the way. 

Why Begin Therapy for Teens and Parents with Us?

AT REPOSE THERAPY, we have ONLINE THERAPISTS that specialize in working with parents, children, and families. Our therapists are trained in a variety of modalities to help create a therapeutic journey that can match your needs.

OUR ONLINE THERAPISTS work with parents through a systems approach and strive to create safety and comfort within the therapeutic space.

IF YOU ARE READY to take the first step towards being a better version of yourself for you and your family, schedule a 15-MINUTE CONSULTATION with our client concierge to explore your options and be matched with a therapist that is right for you.

Are you ready to take the first step with Repose Therapy? 

Schedule a consultation

We make it simple to find support. Conveniently SELF-SCHEDULE A 15-MINUTE CONSULTATION so we can understand your reasons for seeking teen therapy and gather information in the most efficient and sensitive way possible.

Chat with our Client Concierge

During your consultation, your concierge will listen to you, ask questions, and discuss your options. Based on the information gathered, they will be able to recommend which of our SKILLED THERAPISTS would be well-suited to meet your unique needs.

Meet with your Repose Therapy Therapist

It’s time to begin the collaborative work with someone who supports and understands you. After the initial session with your therapist, your concierge will follow up to ensure you had a positive experience.

Teen TherapyMary Breen