Navigating the Depths of Prolonged Grief: A Holistic Approach to Healing

Prolonged Grief Disorder (PGD) presents a unique and deeply personal challenge. For those affected, the loss of a loved one can feel like an ever-present shadow, making it difficult to imagine a future without them. While grief is a natural response to loss, PGD is marked by an intense and enduring yearning that hinders the ability to engage with life and find peace. The path through this kind of grief requires more than just time—it calls for a compassionate and comprehensive approach that honors the complexity of the human experience.

Understanding Prolonged Grief Disorder

PGD is distinct from typical grief in its persistence and severity. While most people gradually adjust to life after loss, those with PGD remain stuck, unable to move forward. The longing for the deceased becomes overwhelming, and this emotional pain can lead to difficulties in functioning, maintaining relationships, and even taking care of oneself.

The Importance of a Holistic Approach to Healing

At Repose, we recognize that grief is not just an emotional experience but a full-body one that affects the mind, body, and spirit. Our treatment for PGD is rooted in this holistic understanding, providing care that addresses all aspects of our clients’ well-being.

  • Somatic Therapy: Reconnecting with the Body: Grief often manifests physically, through tension, pain, or a sense of disconnection from the body. Somatic therapy is one of the ways we help clients become more aware of these physical responses and work towards releasing them. Practices like “body scan meditation” guide individuals to explore their bodily sensations, allowing them to identify where grief is held and gently work through these sensations.

  • Breathwork is another essential tool, using controlled breathing techniques to help regulate emotions and bring a sense of calm. By focusing on the breath, clients can ground themselves in the present moment, creating space for healing.

  • EMDR: Addressing Traumatic Grief: Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is particularly effective for those whose grief is compounded by trauma. This therapy helps clients process painful memories and emotions associated with their loss, reducing the intensity of these experiences. By reprocessing these memories, clients often find that the overwhelming pain associated with their grief begins to diminish, allowing for a renewed sense of peace.

  • Exploring Grief with Psychodynamic Therapy: In addition to somatic and EMDR therapies, we offer psychodynamic therapy to delve into the deeper emotional and psychological layers of grief. This approach helps clients explore the underlying emotions and unresolved conflicts that may be contributing to their prolonged grief. Through this process, individuals can gain a better understanding of their grief and begin to integrate the loss in a way that feels more manageable.

The Importance of Ritual and Routine

Rituals can provide a meaningful way to honor the deceased and mark the passage of time, helping to create a sense of continuity and connection. Whether through lighting candles, creating memory boxes, or engaging in other personal rituals, these practices offer a structure for remembering and honoring those who have passed.

Establishing routines, such as regular exercise, healthy eating, and mindfulness practices, also plays a crucial role in supporting emotional stability. These routines help ground clients in the present, offering a sense of normalcy and predictability amidst the uncertainty of grief.

Community and Connection

Grief can be an isolating experience, particularly when it becomes prolonged. At Repose, we emphasize the importance of community and connection in the healing process. Group therapy, family therapy, and support groups provide spaces where clients can share their experiences with others who understand their pain. These connections can be profoundly healing, reminding individuals that they are not alone in their grief.

Moving Forward with Compassion

Healing from prolonged grief does not mean forgetting the loved one or moving on without them. Rather, it involves finding a way to carry the loss with you while also re-engaging with life. The journey through grief is deeply personal, and at Repose, we are here to walk alongside you, offering support, understanding, and the tools you need to heal.

While the path through PGD may be long, it is also one that can lead to profound growth and renewal. We believe in the possibility of healing, and we are here to help you find your way forward, with compassion and care guiding each step of the journey.