Posts in Somatic Therapy
Understanding & Practicing Body Neutrality

Our bodies are complex and beautiful, but cultural and societal messages have complicated our perception of them. If you’re reading this, you may hold a strong desire to move through life with more ease and with less focus on your appearance as a measure of your worth and value. You may struggle with self-love for your body. Body neutrality addresses the question, “If I can’t always love my body, how can I choose to nourish and respect it?” Interested to learn more? Read on!

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Dealing with the Winter Blues? Keep Reading

Winter can be a tough time of year for many people, especially for those who suffer from seasonal depression. As a therapist, I have worked with many individuals who struggle with the winter blues, and I have found that there are several strategies that can be helpful in managing this condition. Keep reading to learn more!

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Somatic TherapyMary Breen
Somatic Experiencing: The Body Remembers

Somatic Experiencing is informed by science that indicates that all human beings have a capacity to triumph over trauma. Practitioners of this therapeutic method believe that trauma is curable, and the healing process can often serve as a catalyst for deep emotional awakening, and spiritual transformation. Somatic Experiencing equips folks with the self-sustaining tools to regulate their emotions with integrity and balance.

- Prerna Menon, LMSW, CTP

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