The tendency to continue to surf or scroll through bad news, even though that news is saddening, disheartening, or depressing.
While dissociating, one may feel disconnected from themselves and the world around them. Often dissociation is one way the mind copes with excessive stress, such as during a traumatic event.
Proprioception, otherwise known as kinesthesia, is your body's ability to sense movement, action, and location. It's present in every muscle movement you have. Without proprioception you would be unable to take another step without thinking through it. Proprioception allows us to for example, keep walking without consciously thinking about every single step.
Neuroception is the term used to describe the process that the brain undergoes to immediately recognize danger and keep us safe.
Wise mind refers to a balance between the reasonable and emotional parts of our brain. Wise mind is able to recognize and respect ones feelings, while responding to them in a rational manner.
Couplings are associations between a stimulus and the response that follows. There can be "over-coupling" (over associations) or "under-coupling" (fragmented or dis-associate. An awareness of this coupling dynamics is what guides us to more of a sense of presence.
At its core, body neutrality is the idea that we can exist without having to think too deeply or often about our bodies - either positively or negatively. You can simply exist and be worthy of self and social respect without thinking about your body at all. It encourages us to accept the ebb and flow of our relationships with our bodies- whether it be feeling good about it one day and not as good about it the next
“Rupture and repair” refers to the breaking and restoring of connection with one another. Since human beings are wired for social connection, and connection is what researchers say brings most human beings happiness, rupture and repair is a crucial concept to have awareness around for wellbeing. Stemming from attachment theory, rupture is the disruption of a perceived “positive” relationship and repair is the healing that is facilitated to mend that rupture or fracture, resulting in a deeper and more strengthened relationship.
A psychological and physiological response that a “body feeding” parent has as a result of the need to provide continuous physical comfort to their child. It means that they have spent so much time in physical contact with another human that the thought of any more touching makes them feel ill or repulsed. It’s something that new parents are especially prone to, as small children are all-consuming and need both their mental and physical attention.
A process by which the child is made to take on the role of “parent” to their own parent or sibling due to a reluctant or not able parent. In this process, children are pushed into taking on the role of caretaker, and giving up their role as the child.
“The hidden sense that shapes wellbeing”. It is your brain’s perception of your body’s state, transmitted from receptors on all your internal organs. It is your brain’s representation of sensations from your own body.
It is posited that emotional events begin with non-conscious changes in our bodily states, called “somatic markers”: when you see a big cockroach, for instance, and your body tenses and your heart begins to race, this experience is noted as a somatic marker. This physiological reaction occurs before we are even aware of the emotion, and it is only when the brain detects the alteration to the body’s internal state, through interoception, that we actually experience the feeling and allow it to impact our behavior.
The deductible is the amount you have to pay before your insurance kicks in. There is a seperate out-of-network deductible that needs to be met. For example, if your deductible is $1,000, than that is the amount your sessions would need to total before your insurance begins to reimburse your for the cost. Deductibles can range based on different plans and companies.
A health insurance claim is a request made for direct payment or reimbursement for medical services that an insured person has obtained. Health insurance benefits or payments are obtained after the insured submits a claim to their insurer.
This is why your health insurance pays you back a portion of the cost of therapy. This reimbursement is sent via check, and you would be required to pay your therapist their full fee upfront.
This is the percentage of the total cost of a therapy session you pay after you meet your deductible or if your insurance won't cover all of your therapy costs. Like a copay, this amount is fixed and will be the same every time you see your therapist.
Out-of-network means that a therapist does not have a contract with your health insurance plan provider. Some plans may have OON benefits, and some may not. Some OON benefits may even cover up to 80-90% of costs. Some health plans, such as an HMO plan, will not cover care from out-of-network providers at all, except in an emergency.
A superbill is an itemized form, used by healthcare providers in the United States, which details services provided to a client. It is the main data source for creation of a healthcare claim, which will be submitted to payers for reimbursement
Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders (PMADS): a broad term intended to encompass the range of mental health issues that a woman may experience throughout pregnancy and up to two years postpartum that are unique to physical, emotional, and mental shifts occurring during the transition to motherhood.
Postpartum Depression: a commonly used term to describe mental health issues a woman may experience after giving birth. It is a misnomer because symptoms are not limited to that of depression and has been renamed perinatal mood and anxiety disorders (PMADS). Maternal Wellness specialists believe that this term better encompasses the entirety of mental health issues that a woman may experience throughout pregnancy and up to two years postpartum that are unique to the transition to motherhood.
Gaga is a movement language developed by the Batsheva Dance Company in Isreal. Gaga has two educational tracks: Gaga for Dancers is intended for trained dancers and comprises the daily training of the Batsheva Dance Company; Gaga for the People is designed for the general public and requires no dance training. Many folks have stated that after taking Gaga classes, their passion for dance has been re-ignited; they have found new ways to connect to their inner beast without being self-conscious about how the movement looks while at the same time discovering how to deeply listen to their bodies and self. Try one of our a Gaga-informed class through the Repose Studio today!
HIPAA is an acronym that stands for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, a US law designed to provide privacy standards to protect patients' medical records and other health information provided to health plans, doctors, therapists, hospitals and other health care providers.
Discernment counseling is a type of brief couples therapy that is designed for couples who are uncertain of whether or not they want to continue in their relationship. This type of therapy aims to help partners consider all options before they make a decision to work on their relationship or terminate their relationship.
Pre-commitment counseling is an opportunity for you and your partner(s) to actively and intentionally navigate various elements of committed life that you will be sure to face in your marriage, while simultaneously developing skills designed to enhance your relationship
Route used for forced removal of certain Native American nations (North American Indigenous) from the southeastern United States to lands west of the Mississippi River. See also Indian Removal Act.
View that a racial minority group should separate itself from mainstream society and pursue its own interests primarily.
View that racial progress is sporadic and that people of color are doomed to experience only infrequent peaks followed by regressions.
Right or advantage, often unwritten, conferred on some people but not others, usually without examination or good reason.
The condition of being beyond race; an era when race no longer matters, and individuals are no longer assessed by such.